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10 Desember 2008


Dr. Earl Mindell R.Ph.,M.H.,Ph.D. dikenal sebagai ahli Nutrisi Dunia yang terbaik, beliau adalah pengarang 53 buku "Best Seller" termasuk buku "The New Vitamin Bible" yang telah terjual paling banyak dalam sejarah Nutrisi.
Beliau diundang lebih dari 3000 radio dan acara televisi setiap tahunnya termasuk dalam acara The Oprah Winfrey Show, Dave Letterman Show, CNN, Regis, Good Morning America dan masih banyak lagi.
Beliau juga dikenal sebagai ahli kesehatan dan nutrisi nomor satu dunia yang mempopulerkan Himalayan Goji Jus ke seluruh dunia.
Dr. Earl Mindell percaya Himalayan Goji Jus bukan hanya merupakan makanan yang paling padat kandungan nutrisinya diatas bumi, tetapi Himalayan Goji Jus juga memberi manfaat yang lebih menguntungkan bagi kesehatan, kesejahteraan dan anti penuaan dari pada makanan, obat atau suplemen yang lain yang pernah saya lihat dalam 40 tahun ini.

mengapa unik

Himalayan Gochi Juice mengandung 4 Polisakarida Bioaktif Eksklusif, yang tidak ditemukan lagi di dunia.
Polisakarida Bioaktif ini juga dikenal sebagai Proteoglycans, adalah kelompok dari karbohidrat kompleks yang berikatan dengan protein.
Beberapa tanaman memproduksi zat ini sebagai mekanisme pertahanan yang teramat efektif terhadap serangan virus, bakteri, jamur, parasit, mutasi sel, polutan beracun dan radikal bebas dalam lingkungan.
Ada 4 Polisakarida Unik yang terdapat dalam Himalayan Gochi Juice dan masing2 memiliki efek yang berbeda terhadap sistem imunitas, pertumbuhan sel dan fungsi tubuh lainnya. Inilah yang membuat Himalayan Gochi Juice sangat bermanfaat. Himalayan Gochi Juice menjadi pusat kendali dari sumber daya tahan tubuh yang digunakan untuk mencegah, melawan, dan mengalahkan setiap penyakit.

Master Molecules

mengapa perlu

Karena kesibukan dan gaya hidup, kita sering merasa tertekan juga makan tidak teratur dan benar. Akibatnya seacara umum darah kita bersifat asam (acidic), yang bisa menyebabkan rasa gelisah, lelah, lesu, tidak bersemangat, dan mudah tersinggung.
Dalam tubuh yang bersifat asam, penyakit dan radikal bebas dapat hidup, mutasi sel terjadi, dan sel2 tubuh kita mengelompok bersama untuk melindungi dirinya.
Dalam tubuh yang bersifat basa (alkaline), radikal bebas dan penyakit dinetralkan lebih efektif sehingga sulit untuk dapat bertahan hidup.
Para peneliti dan dokter didunia mengatakan bahwa meminum Himalayan Gochi Juice adalah cara tercepat untuk menyeimbangkan kadar asam (ph) dan basa (alkalise) dalam tubuh kita. Sifat basa (alkalinitas) diketahui sebagai kunci untuk kesehatan secara menyeluruh.
Dr Victor A. Marcial-Vega, Ahli kanker dari John Hopkins Trained Oncologist, mengatakan " Inilah yang membuat saya sangat tertarik dengan Himalayan Gochi Juice, tidak ada hal yang mampu memperbaiki kadar basa (alkalinity) dalam tubuh saya dan pasien saya secepat ini sebelum minum Himalayan Gochi Juice."

daya tahan

The Immune System - Defending Your Good Health

You can spend thousands of dollars on sophisticated alarm systems to protect your family against burglars, smoke, and carbon monoxide, but are you really safe? You may not have considered some unseen security threats. There are millions of them – bacteria, viruses, allergens, toxins, and parasites – they’re all around you, and they’d love nothing more than to invade your body and destroy your good health!

Health Watch WeeklyWhen your body encounters a potential attacker, it activates an amazing defense mechanism called the immune system. The first job of the immune system is to keep germs out, and it does this by use of barriers to prevent entry into the body. These include your skin, tears, saliva, stomach acid, intestinal flora, and mucous membranes.

Sometimes, invaders are able to get past this first line of defense, and that requires a more aggressive defense. In such cases, a vast network of cells, tissues, and organs all begin to work together to recognize and respond to the emergency. In order for this large-scale response to be effective, the entire immune system must be made aware that the body is under attack. This is the job of special cell messenger protein called interleukin-2 (IL-2). IL-2 sounds the danger alarm and spreads the word quickly throughout the body. IL-2 is also important in the production of T-cells, a vital part of the body’s targeted response to specific threats.

With so many divisions of your immune “armed forces” at work, it’s essential to have smooth and efficient communication among them to avoid a delayed or sub-optimal response. That’s why lymphocytes are so vitally important. These special white blood cells circulate throughout the body, playing an important role in commanding, directing, and coordinating your immune system’s diverse and varied functions.

Your highly complex immune system can actually recognize and remember millions of different enemies, and it can produce potent biological weapons called antibodies to match up with and wipe out nearly all of them. One of the body’s most powerful antibodies is immunoglobulin G (IgG), which circulates in the blood, working covertly to seek out bacteria, viruses, molds, yeasts, and allergens. When IgG finds a foreign invader, it “paints” it with a special chemical to mark it for destruction by the immune system’s “clean-up squads.”


10 Tips Hebat untuk Meningkatkan Sistem Pertahanan Tubuh Anda

Don’t smoke. In addition to what you already know about the hazards of tobacco smoking, it also wreaks havoc on virtually every aspect of immune function.
Avoid toxins. Reduce exposure by choosing organic produce, washing fruits and vegetables to remove pesticide residues, and by using household cleaners and personal care products that are made with less toxic materials.
Get adequate sleep. Poor sleep is associated with lower immune system function and reduced numbers of killer cells that fight germs.
Reduce stress. There is compelling scientific evidence that chronic stress causes a measurable decline in the immune system's ability to fight disease.
Be optimistic. Studies show that pessimists, who tend to find fault with everything, don't live as long as optimists, who have a more cheerful outlook. If you’re content with whom you are and with your life, you’ll also have less stress, and therefore fewer immune health consequences.
Exercise regularly. Studies show the dangers to immune health of a sedentary lifestyle. One study compared inactive people with those who walked briskly almost every day. Researchers found that those who didn't walk took twice as many sick days in four months as those who walked.
Stay connected. Humans crave social contact, and studies have shown that the fewer human connections we have at home, at work, and in the community, the more likely we are to get sick, flood our brains with anxiety-causing chemicals, and die prematurely. One study found that people who are isolated may live only half as long as those who have a lot of human contact. Love appears to nourish the immune system, so spread the love!
Eat a sensible, healthy diet. Excess fat can suppress the immune system, and too much sugar can inhibit the action of phagocytes, the “Pac-Man”-like blood cells that gobble up viruses and bacteria.
Don’t overuse antibiotics, especially for viral infections (such as colds or flu) where they have no effect. Cutting down on unnecessary antibiotic use will help to prevent the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Drink 4 ounces (120 ml) of GoChi™ every day!


Human clinical study shows significant immune enhancements in just 30 days!

Health Watch WeeklyIn a recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial, blood tests on participants drinking a daily serving of 4 ounces (120 ml) of GoChi showed significant improvements in three key markers of immune health in just 30 days. Compared to their blood levels at the beginning of the study, the test subjects experienced the following:

27% increase in lymphocytes
58% increase in interleukin-2 (IL-2)
19% increase in immunoglobulin G

In yet another controlled human study that was featured in the peer-reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM), participants drinking a daily serving of just 4 ounces (120 ml) of GoChi reported experiencing significantly decreased feelings of stress and more positive feelings of contentment and happiness in as little as 14 days. The publication of this study by the independent experts of a peer-reviewed publication such as JACM represents a first for a functional juice beverage in the Direct Selling industry, and it demonstrates FreeLife’s ongoing commitment to supporting its claims with solid scientific research.

Drink GoChi. Your body’s armed forces will thank you!


“Immune System.” National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD. Retrieved July 18, 2008. Available at

“Medline Plus: Immune System and Disorders.” U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD. Retrieved July 10, 2008. Available at

Amagase H, Nance DM. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Clinical Study of the General Effects of a Standardized Lycium barbarum (Goji) Juice, GoChi™. J Altern Complement Med. 2008; 14(4), pp. 403-412. Abstract available on PubMed at (PMID: 18447631)


Did you know that in some remote places in this world, a life expectancy of more than 100 years is not uncommon?

Research has shown that many of the world's
longest living people consume regular daily helpings of a tiny red fruit that may just be the world's most powerful anti-aging food: the goji berry.
FreeLife® is the first company to perfect a difficult and demanding proprietary extraction process and create the only standardized form of this incredible plant available in the world today:


The Himalayan Health Secret ™

If you have not yet heard of goji, you are not alone. While it has occupied an important place in traditional Asian medicine for countless generations, the secrets of its nutritional benefits have remained a mystery to most of the world.

Through the ages, legends abound about this miraculous fruit. There are festivals held to celebrate its goodness, and a poem was written in its honor.

Sacred Goji Waters

During the Tang Dynasty (around 800 AD), a well had been dug beside a wall near a famous Buddhist temple that was covered with goji vines. Over the years, countless berries had fallen into the well. Those who prayed there had the ruddy complexion of good health, and even at the age of eighty they had no white hair and had not lost teeth, simply because they drank the water from the well. From this legend, a poem was crafted.

In Search Of The TRUE Goji

Just as there are many varieties of grapes for wine making, there are many varieties of goji—as many as 41 species growing in Tibet alone!

In the same way that human fingerprints can be used to distinguish one person from all others on the planet, a spectrometer can detect even subtle differences between berries at the molecular level. This technique results in the generation of a graph; a unique fingerprint for whatever is being tested—a Spectral Signature®.

Thanks to years of dedicated scientific research, FreeLife® is the only company in the world to have developed a Spectral Signature to identify, isolate, and harvest only those special goji berries with a consistently high potency of these all-important LBP.


Goji's Master Molecules

FreeLife was a pioneer in the research of the goji berry’s unique bioactive Lycium barbarum polysaccharides, or LBP. These complex glyconutrients are the special master molecules—found only in the goji berry—that are believed by many scientists to be the source of goji’s diverse and remarkable health benefits.

100% Goodness In Every Bottle, Every Time

Proprietary, all-natural juice product

100% all-natural juice flavoring system gives a consistently delicious flavor and works synergistically with the product to enhance its already remarkable benefits. Never any added sugar, artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors.

Exclusive recipe and proprietary chill-blending technology

Carefully standardized to deliver a consistently high level of perfectly balanced and fully active polysaccharides, the Master Molecules that your body needs to replenish on a daily basis for optimal health and longevity. These Master Molecules are unique to goji—they are not found in any other plant on earth.

Made only with berries that exhibit the ideal Spectral Signature—your assurance of potency, purity, and authenticity in every bottle.

Our strict Seven-Step Quality Manufacturing Process ensures that you and your family experience the same nutritional value with every sip.

You Can't Drink Too Much

Just like orange juice and apple juice, there is no risk of drinking too much GoChi™ or Himalayan Goji® Juice. But, after you experience FreeLife’s standardized goji juices, you will find that no other juice can compare. You and your entire family will enjoy the energizing health benefits from these nutrient-rich, all-natural juice beverages.

For overall good health, we suggest that you start with 4 ounces of GoChi or Himalayan Goji Juice daily. Current research indicates that the greatest benefit may be realized by drinking up to four ounces per day of GoChi. Our juices can be taken as they are, or mixed with your favorite hot or cold beverage.


Frequently Asked Questions - GoChi™ and Himalayan Goji® Juice

Are GoChi™ and Himalayan Goji® Juice only made with goji berries from the Himalayas?

Although they grow in the wild, goji berries are not cultivated in the Himalayas in sufficient quantity for large-scale distribution. The berries used in GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice are selected from the world's best-known growing regions throughout Asia. We use only those berries that conform to our precise Spectral Signature® balance and potency of the all-important Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP).

Will FreeLife® have difficulty sourcing goji berries?

We have contracted for adequate supplies of premium berries to accommodate our growth, and we are constantly expanding our grower certification program to ensure that we will never run out of berries that meet our strict Spectral Signature standards.

What makes GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice unique or special?

Goji is the only plant that contains complex glyconutrients called Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP) - the Master Molecules that are so important to your body's defense systems. But these important nutrients can vary in quality and potency, depending on where they are grown and the growing conditions for a particular region in a particular year. FreeLife is the only company to develop a Spectral Signature LBP Process™ to standardize our juices, ensuring that you always receive the same high potency and balance of LBP, every time. And unlike other juices, there is never any added sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, or flavors in GoChi or Himalayan Goji Juice. Preservative-free GoChi is also the world’s first clinically studied goji juice product.

How much GoChi or Himalayan Goji Juice should someone drink on a daily basis?

For optimum benefit, you may want to follow the recommendations in recent clinical studies, in which 4 ounces daily of GoChi resulted in significant health and wellness benefits in 19 important categories in as little as 14 days. There are no known side effects from drinking our juices, other than a tendency to smile more often!

When can I expect to see results with Himalayan Goji Juice?

Everyone will receive benefits within different time periods depending upon their body's nutritional needs.

How does FreeLife ensure the quality of GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice?

FreeLife’s goji juice products are produced under strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), a total quality system that meets or exceeds the requirements of every country in which we do business. Our juices are thoroughly tested at every step of manufacturing to guarantee that each bottle delivers a pristine, high-quality product with a full potency and precise Spectral Signature balance of goji’s highly bioactive Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP).

How are GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice different from other "juices"?

GoChi is the only goji product we know of that is backed by clinical studies demonstrating its effectiveness. Additionally, our goji juices are made exclusively from ultra-premium berries that conform to our Spectral Signature balance and potency of the all-important Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP). Our Spectral Signature LBP Process delivers a cleaner, fresher taste and enhanced aroma without harming our precious LBP.

Is GoChi or Himalayan Goji Juice organic?

Although our juices are not certified organic, they are produced to the highest standards of ecological and environmental responsibility. Both products are certified not to contain detectable pesticide and herbicide residues. GoChi is also preservative free, and carries both kosher and halal certification.

Why does FreeLife not emphasize the vitamins and 18 amino acids that are in goji?

GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice are high-tech functional foods, specifically designed to deliver a consistently high potency and exact balance of the goji berry’s highly bioactive Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP). These are the complex glyconutrients that have been scientifically demonstrated to be responsible for much of the berry’s benefits. Whereas many goji nutrients can be found in other foods, the LBP are unique to the goji berry. And now, thanks to advances in manufacturing technology, our new GoChi delivers at least 30% more of the all-important LBP than our original juice.

Do GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice contain preservatives?

Thanks to advances in manufacturing technology, our new GoChi is preservative free. Our original Himalayan Goji Juice contains less than one-tenth of 1% of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate.

Why are other fruit juices added to GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice?

Our proprietary recipe incorporates a small amount of other fruit juices to ensure uniformity, and to help bring out the best flavor from the goji berry.

How soon should GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice be consumed after being opened?

It is recommended that you consume our goji juice products within 30 days after opening. Neither product should be left un-refrigerated for any more than a couple of hours – the same steps should be taken for any food or beverage that must be refrigerated after opening.

Can children drink GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice?

Yes. Both of our great-tasting juices are a healthy treat for the entire family!

I read that you have a quality assurance guarantee. What does this mean?

We believe every product you receive from FreeLife has to be the absolute best quality available and exactly what you expect. If you are not completely satisfied with the condition or quality, we offer a 90-day, money-back guarantee. Just return the unused portion to FreeLife for a full refund.

Can I obtain sample packages of GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice?

While we have received requests for this type of packaging – and it is an excellent suggestion - a sample would only allow someone to try the great taste, but would lack the significant benefits from taking the product over a period of time. That is why we offer a 90-day, money back guarantee for anyone who tries our product. And since our rate of return is so low, we have discovered this process is a great way to have people sample, experience, and stay on our life-changing products.

Can I purchase smaller bottles or travel sizes of GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice?

We currently do not offer this; however, our Marketing Team is researching this option.

Has an ORAC test ever been conducted on GoChi or Himalayan Goji Juice?

ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a non-official, non-governmental test that claims to measure "total antioxidant power” in a laboratory beaker. This test is controversial because it cannot predict how an antioxidant will work inside the human body. In fact, many high-ORAC juices may perform very poorly when ingested because their antioxidants remain trapped in the gastrointestinal tract. Conversely, the bioactive Lycium barbarum polysaccharides in our goji juices work with your body to activate its own antioxidant enzymes, which can circulate freely to help protect every cell in your body. Clinical studies have proved that FreeLife’s new GoChi is the real antioxidant powerhouse!

How do I contact FreeLife?

We have a dedicated contact link designed with you in mind. It is located in the upper right-hand corner on our Home Page: This is an excellent communication link where you can convey your questions, recommendations, and/or comments. Many of our Customers have already taken advantage of this and have shared excellent ideas and special stories on how our products have enriched their lives. We love to hear from you, and we encourage you to take advantage of this powerful communication tool designed and


The 7-Step Process

1. Selection Criteria
Vine-ripened, Himalayan-quality berries are carefully harvested and sorted according to FreeLife's™ strict selection criteria, including Spectral Signature analysis.

2. Purification & Inspection
Berries are gently washed at a licensed, government-inspected juicing facility.

3. Juicing Process
Berries are juiced to a puree by cold pressing through a micro-fine screen to remove seeds and stems.

4. Analysis & Testing
Goji puree is subjected to complete nutrient and microbiological analysis, and tested for absence of pesticide residues.

5. Proprietary Chill-Blending
The puree is combined with natural ingredients utilizing FreeLife's™ exclusive recipe and proprietary chill-blending methods to preserve the balance and content of the active polysaccharides.

6. Cold-Fill Process
Himalayan Goji ® Juice is cold-filled into costly, plasticizer-free pharmaceutical-grade bottles. This provides superior protection as compared to glass with no possibility of 'leaching'.

7. Final Testing
Finished Himalayan Goji ® Juice is subjected to an exhaustive battery of tests including polysaccharide analysis, full microbiological testing, and a final Spectral Signature test.


Legendary Health Benefits

Many of the legendary health-giving properties of Lycium barbarum (goji's Latin name) are today being confirmed in modern scientific studies, and this has led to the possibility of even more far-reaching benefits.

Scientific research from major universities around the world has validated the remarkable health benefits of the goji berry claimed by the Himalayan Healers thousands of years ago. Over 50 studies have already been published in prestigious health journals, including:

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

British Journal of Nutrition

International Immunopharmacology

Journal of Chinese Herbal Medicine

Journal of Ethnopharmacology

China Pharmacology and Toxicology

Chinese Herb News Magazine

Research Communications Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology

Chinese Patent Herbs

Chinese Herbs

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

Chinese Oncology Magazine

Hygiene Research

Physiology Academic Journal

Chinese Stomatology

And Many More...


With Scientifically Demonstrated Results, There's No Excuse Not To!

JACMOn January 8, 2008, FreeLife released a groundbreaking study which was accepted for publication by the highly respected Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM). As a peer-reviewed journal, JACM will only publish research that has been independently verified by an expert panel of judges, and that level of scientific validation truly represents a first for a juice product in our industry.

This pivotal randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled human clinical trial showed that a daily serving of just 4 ounces of GoChi can significantly improve your health and well-being in 13 important ways in just 14 days!

And subsequent studies have demonstrated how drinking 4 ounces of GoChi on a daily basis can deliver 6 more benefits, increasing your body’s antioxidant power and significantly enhancing vital immune defenses in just 30 days!

The 19 benefits identified in FreeLife’s three GoChi studies are no coincidence. They are all interrelated, and have been collectively termed The GoChi Effect™.

Study 1. This 14-day study examined the effects of GoChi on 13 key aspects of health and well being. Thirty-five test subjects were divided at random into two groups. The first group received 4oz daily of GoChi. The second group received 4 oz daily of a placebo (a similar-tasting juice that did not contain any goji). The GoChi group experienced significantly better results than the placebo group in all 13 categories. Since the study was double-blind, neither FreeLife’s scientists who conducted the study, nor its employees, who served as the study’s participants, knew if they were drinking the real GoChi or the inactive placebo.

Study 2. This 30-day antioxidant study was conducted by a prestigious medical center in Asia. Fifty healthy adults were divided at random into two groups, a GoChi group and a placebo group, who received 4oz daily servings of either GoChi or the inactive placebo, respectively. The test subjects were not associated with FreeLife and had never consumed Himalayan Goji Juice or GoChi. After 30 days, the GoChi group showed highly significant increases in blood levels of two key antioxidants, and also showed a significant decrease in a key marker of toxic free radical activity. No significant improvements were seen in the placebo group.

Study 3. This 30-day immune study was conducted by a prestigious medical center in Asia. Sixty healthy adults were divided at random into two groups, a GoChi group and a placebo group, who received 4oz daily servings of either GoChi or the inactive placebo, respectively. The test subjects were not associated with FreeLife and had never consumed Himalayan Goji Juice or GoChi. After 30 days, the GoChi group showed significant improvement in the body’s immune system, as evidenced by increased levels of three key immune markers. No significant improvements were seen in the placebo group.

4 ounces...30 days...19 amazing benefits


The goji berry has been revered throughout Asia for its unmatched ability to promote health and balance the body's energies, especially the "vital life force" known as chi. Science has revealed that the secret to goji's powerful benefits lies in a group of complex glyconutrients, not found in any other plant on earth, called Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP).

FreeLife International® is the first and only company to develop a proprietary Spectral Signature LBP Process™ to do what no other company can do: identify, isolate, and select only those berries that can result in a product that delivers a consistently high potency of the all-important LBP complex.

People everywhere have experienced tremendous results with Himalayan Goji® Juice, making it the bestselling, number one goji product in the world. And now, the best has gotten even better with GoChi™.

Developed as a direct result of FreeLife's worldwide research efforts, GoChi represents the Next Generation of Himalayan Goji Juice. Thanks to advances in our proprietary manufacturing process, this enhanced formula delivers an unprecedented potency of the full-spectrum LBP complex.

Named for the "go" in goji and chi, the ancient Chinese term for "vital life force," GoChi contains all the goodness of Himalayan Goji Juice, and so much more!

  • Scientifically demonstrated to deliver results in as little as 14 days
  • At least 30% more bioactive LBP than Himalayan Goji Juice
  • Preservative-free
  • Certified kosher and halal
  • Tastes better than ever

The next generation of Himalayan Goji Juice is here and it's only available at FreeLife! Do you GoChi?™ With 19 scientifically demonstrated reasons, there's no excuse not to!

A Smile In Every Bottle!™

FreeLife donates a portion of the sale of each bottle of GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice to children in need through our charitable-giving program, GojiKids®, to help children everywhere live happy, healthy lives.

4 ounces...30 days...19 amazing benefits


The GoChi Effect™

Fight the Effects of Modern Society with Age-Old Wisdom

The 19 benefits identified in FreeLife's GoChi™ studies are no coincidence. Combined, they have been described as "The GoChi Effect™," as the benefits are all interrelated.

The first 14-day study was conducted to examine the potential short-term benefits of GoChi on 13 key aspects of health and well-being. Thirty-five test subjects were divided at random into two groups. The first group received 4 oz daily of GoChi. The second group received 4 oz daily of a placebo (a similar-tasting juice that did not contain any LBP, the active ingredient of GoChi). The GoChi group experienced significantly better results than the placebo group in all 13 categories. Since the study was double-blind, neither FreeLife’s scientists who conducted the study, nor its employees, who served as the study’s participants, knew if they were drinking the real GoChi or the inactive placebo.

The second study, conducted by a prestigious medical center in Asia, was a 30-day investigation into antioxidant activity in the human body. Fifty healthy adult volunteer test subjects were divided at random into two groups—a GoChi group and a placebo group. Each group received a 4 oz daily serving of either GoChi or an inactive placebo respectively. None of the test subjects were associated with FreeLife® nor had they consumed Himalayan Goji® Juice or GoChi prior to the study. After 30 days, the GoChi group showed significant improvement in antioxidant activity, as evidenced by significant increases over starting point values in blood levels of the important antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). Also found in the GoChi group was a significant decrease in levels of toxic malondialdehyde (MDA), a key blood marker of oxidative stress, free-radical damage, and premature cell aging. No significant differences were observed in the placebo group in these areas.

The third study, also conducted by a renowned Asian medical center, examined the 30-day effects of GoChi on the immune system. Sixty healthy adult volunteer test subjects were divided at random into two groups—a GoChi group and a placebo group. Each group received a 4 oz daily serving of either GoChi or an inactive placebo, respectively. None of the test subjects were associated with FreeLife nor had they consumed Himalayan Goji Juice or GoChi prior to the study. After 30 days, the GoChi group showed significant improvement over starting point values in the following three immune blood markers: (i) lymphocytes (white blood cells necessary for immune defenses); (ii) interleukin 2 (IL-2), an important cell-signaling molecule; and (iii) immunoglobulin G (IgG), a powerful antibody. Also noted in the GoChi group were health and well-being improvements that had been seen in prior studies: significant improvement in sleep quality, reduction of fatigue, and a tendency for increased short-term memory and mental focus. No significant improvements were observed in the placebo group in any category.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

4 ounces...30 days...19 amazing benefits
Buy GoChi Today!


How is GoChi™ different from Himalayan Goji® Juice?
GoChi™ was developed as a direct result of FreeLife’s worldwide research efforts, and represents the next generation of Himalayan Goji® Juice. It contains all the goodness of our original juice and much more! GoChi is scientifically demonstrated to deliver results in as little as 14 days; it contains at least 30% more Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP) than Himalayan Goji Juice; it is preservative-free; is certified kosher and halal for our Jewish and Muslim friends respectively; and has been preferred in taste tests to our already delicious Himalayan Goji Juice.

Himalayan Goji Juice is such a success. Why was GoChi created?
Since Himalayan Goji Juice was launched, goji research has exploded. FreeLife® has invested four years worth of accumulated knowledge and experience into the design and formulation of GoChi. Himalayan Goji Juice was a fantastic achievement, and so it remains today. We’ve simply engineered scientific advances into GoChi as part of our commitment to constant and never ending improvement. That is why GoChi is truly the next generation of Himalayan Goji Juice.

How was FreeLife® able to add 30%+ more LBP to GoChi?
We were able to increase the polysaccharides in GoChi due to our improved proprietary manufacturing processes. GoChi also contains 20% fewer calories and one gram less of total natural sugars per ounce than Himalayan Goji Juice.

Why did FreeLife decide to conduct and sponsor clinical studies on GoChi?
Many companies in the nutrition industry promote their products with big claims, but offer little or no scientific support to back them. FreeLife is raising the bar by demonstrating the benefits of GoChi in rigorously controlled human clinical studies worthy of publication in leading medical and scientific journals. This high-level of scientific validation provides people with the assurance that they can count on getting the results that were promised.

Why did FreeLife conduct the initial 14-day GoChi study?
Since 2003, Himalayan Goji Juice Customers have reported dramatic 14-day improvements in energy levels, quality of sleep, feelings of calmness and contentment, reduction of stress, and other key health aspects. To investigate this, a study was designed to attempt to validate our Customers’ reported results by attempting to replicate them under rigorously controlled clinical conditions. Since GoChi is the next generation of Himalayan Goji Juice, we chose to conduct this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical study on our new product.

What do the terms randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled mean, and why are those things important for a clinical study?
A clinical study is only as valuable as the safeguards that are designed into it to ensure fairness and honesty. FreeLife has chosen to follow the “gold standard” of clinical design by conducting studies that are randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled. Randomized means that subjects in our studies were assigned to one of two groups based on “luck of the draw,” which assures an even distribution of health status in each group. Placebo-controlled means that, in each study, one group got GoChi and the other group received a placebo. This is a drink that is designed to look, smell, and taste like GoChi, but without any LBP – the active ingredient in GoChi. Double-blind means that neither the participants nor the scientists are aware of which group is drinking GoChi and which group is drinking the placebo. This eliminates any bias on the part of the scientists and also rules out any psychologically-caused effects on the part of the participants.

What were the results and significance of the 14-day GoChi study?
The results were quite dramatic! Nearly 90 percent of the GoChi drinkers in the study experienced multiple improvements in their health and well-being. The study clearly indicated that daily consumption of GoChi can cause immediate and significant improvement in 13 key health aspects, including increased energy, less fatigue, increased focus and mental acuity, improved athletic performance, reduced stress, increased feelings of calmness and contentment, feeling happier, healthier and more regular, better quality of sleep, and easier ability to awaken in the morning. In contrast to the GoChi group, the placebo group showed statistically significant improvement in only 1 of the 13 categories (happiness).

Additionally, all findings were found to be statistically significant, meaning that the researchers were 90 to 99% confident that the great results experienced in the GoChi group in each of the 13 categories were a direct result of drinking GoChi. To the contrary, any small changes experienced by the placebo group were declared to be a result of mere chance.

Do independent scientists agree with the findings of FreeLife’s 14-day GoChi study?
Yes. This groundbreaking study was accepted for publication by The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM), a leading medical journal. As a peer-reviewed publication, JACM requires that studies will not be accepted unless they are approved by an independent panel of expert reviewers. These strict judges ruled that our study design was sound, our methods were consistent with good clinical practice, our data and calculations were accurate, and our findings were valid. To our knowledge, publication of the GoChi study in a peer-reviewed journal represents a first for any juice product in the Direct Sales industry.

Why did FreeLife conduct the 30-day GoChi antioxidant study?
Many juice products talk about their high antioxidant scores based on a chemical reaction test known as ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), but that only measures antioxidant potential in a test tube. It can’t determine if an antioxidant will actually work in your body, which is a far more important thing to know. Sadly, many high-ORAC fruit antioxidants are poorly absorbed from the digestive tract, or not at all. That was the conclusion of a landmark 2004 study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 79: 727-47).

What your body really needs is more of its own powerful antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase. These antioxidants circulate in the blood to protect every cell against harmful free-radicals, but our production of these essential enzymes diminishes with age, or if we’re under stress. We were aware of research that suggested that goji could increase both SOD and glutathione peroxidase, so we decided to put the theory to the test by sponsoring a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled study at one of Asia’s most prestigious medical centers.

What were the results and significance of the 30-day GoChi antioxidant study?
After tracking 50 healthy adults for 30 days, we found that the GoChi group had improved their antioxidant status, with highly significant increases of both important blood antioxidants, SOD and glutathione peroxidase. An increase of these two enzymes has other benefits: SOD is essential for maintaining the body’s healthy defenses against inflammation, and glutathione peroxidase is important in many of the body’s detoxification reactions.

The increase in antioxidant power seen in the GoChi group was also accompanied by a significant reduction of MDA, a particularly toxic and dangerous free radical. And so, the GoChi group had their antioxidant activity increased in two ways, and free radical damage was reduced. Unfortunately for the placebo group, they just didn’t receive any meaningful benefit in any of these areas.

Why did FreeLife conduct the 30-day GoChi immune study?
The ancient healers of Asia observed that people who took goji every day were significantly healthier and more resilient than those who didn’t use it. Today, scientists believe that this is because of goji’s unique effects on the immune system, and that’s been shown in a number of studies. But those studies were done mainly in the laboratory, not in people. We wanted to see if 4,000 years of tradition could be scientifically validated in a human clinical trial, which was conducted at a renowned medical institute in Asia.

What were the results and significance of the 30-day GoChi immune study?
Our human study followed 60 healthy adult volunteers for 30 days. At the end of the study, those who had been given GoChi had their immune defenses enhanced in three important ways, as confirmed by significant increases in three key markers of immune health:

  • Lymphocytes – white blood cells necessary for immune defenses against bacteria, viruses and toxins. Lymphocytes also have a large role in commanding and directing many functions of our highly complex immune systems. The GoChi group experienced a 27% increase over starting point values of these important immune cells. No significant improvements were seen in the placebo group.
  • Interleukin-2 (IL-2) – an essential cell messenger protein, which sounds the danger alarm when the body is under attack. IL-2 recruits stem cells so that they can be turned into T-cells, which are specifically targeted to neutralize and destroy threats to the body. IL-2 levels were increased 58% over starting point in the GoChi group, with no meaningful improvement in the placebo group.
  • Immunoglobulin G (IgG) – a powerful antibody, which can identify bacteria, viruses, molds, yeasts and allergens, and then mark them for destruction by other divisions of the immune system. Compared to starting point values, IgG antibody activity increased 19% in the GoChi group, with no significant change in the placebo group.
Also noted in the GoChi group were health and well-being improvements that had been seen in prior studies: significant improvement in sleep quality, reduction of fatigue, and a tendency for increased short-term memory and mental focus. No significant improvements were observed in the placebo group in any category.

Click here to review a graph of the results of all three GoChi clinical studies.
Should I change my monthly advantage order from Himalayan Goji Juice to GoChi?
If you want the most scientifically advanced goji product on that market that contains at least 30% more LBP than Himalayan Goji Juice, is preservative free, and tastes great, then you should switch your order. GoChi is also certified kosher and halal.

Why does GoChi cost more than Himalayan Goji Juice?
GoChi is more costly to produce than our original Himalayan Goji Juice.
Will I get the same results with GoChi as I did with Himalayan Goji Juice?
Actually, you should receive even better results with GoChi than with Himalayan Goji Juice because GoChi is more potent – it contains at least 30% more LBP (the active ingredient) than Himalayan Goji Juice.

When can I expect to see results with GoChi?
In recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trials, the use of just 4 ounces daily of GoChi resulted in significant health and wellness benefits in 13 important categories in 14 days, and a positive impact on immune function and antioxidant power in 30 days. This has been termed “The GoChi Effect™.” Although your results may vary, the findings of this study are consistent with the results that we hear from our Customers all over the world. For optimal results, we recommend trying GoChi for at least 90 days.

Why is the recommended daily amount of GoChi 4 ounces?
FreeLife Customers reported great results with a higher daily serving of Himalayan Goji Juice, and that is why we designed and conducted our recent studies based on 4 ounces per day. The results speak for themselves: 13 benefits in just 14 days, and an impressive 19 benefits in just 30 days. Our Customers were right!

What is “The GoChi Effect™”?
The GoChi Effect is the term that represents the 19 health benefits experienced by the participants in FreeLife’s randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical studies on GoChi. For more information on The GoChi Effect, please click on the “Science” link in the navigation bar at the top of this page.

Where can I get more information on the scientific studies conducted on GoChi?
For more information, please click on the “19 Reasons” link at the top of this page.

Is GoChi kosher?
Yes, and it is classified as pareve, meaning that it contains neither meat nor dairy. The kosher symbol on every bottle of GoChi guarantees that it is certified to conform to strict Jewish dietary laws for purity and quality. GoChi is certified kosher by Shatz Kosher Services (SKS), which is one of world’s leading authorities for kosher products originating in Asia.

What is halal?
Halal is an Arabic term that means that food is permissible under Islamic law. A halal symbol on a product guarantees that it does not contain any ingredients that are prohibited or are suspect in any way based on those parameters. GoChi carries the “Crescent M” symbol of IFANCA, a globally-respected certification authority.

Does GoChi contain preservatives?
GoChi is preservative-free.

Is GoChi gluten-free?
Yes. GoChi is gluten-free.

What is the “natural flavor” in GoChi?
It is a natural flavor essence derived from goji berries. The flavor contains no sugar, MSG, or any artificial ingredients.

Where is GoChi available for purchase?
Currently, GoChi is available for purchase in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Singapore, Barbados, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, St. Martin, Germany, and Austria. Additional countries will follow as the proper governmental approvals are received.

Do GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice taste and look the same?
The products have a similar look and taste, but in blind taste tests, GoChi has been preferred over our already delicious Himalayan Goji Juice. The fresher taste and aroma of GoChi are a result of advances in our manufacturing process.

Can we still make the same health statements for GoChi that we make for Himalayan Goji Juice?
In the United States and Puerto Rico, we can continue to make the same FDA-allowed structure/function claims that we use for Himalayan Goji Juice. And now, we can also talk about the 19 findings of our groundbreaking studies in those two locations: more energy, less fatigue, increased focus and mental acuity, improved athletic performance, reduced stress, increased feelings of calmness and contentment, feeling happier, healthier and more regular, better quality of sleep, easier ability to awaken in the morning, and significant improvement in antioxidant power and immune defenses. Each country differs in regards to allowable claims, so we will be providing guidelines of approved statements for each market as they are available.

Why is the juice called GoChi?
GoChi was named for the “go” in goji and chi, the ancient Chinese term for “vital life force.”

With the emergence of GoChi, are you phasing out Himalayan Goji Juice?
No. We intend to provide Himalayan Goji Juice for as long as our Customers continue enjoying this excellent product.

Did FreeLife use employees for the antioxidant and immune studies?
No. Our goal is to conduct GoChi research around the world, and therefore, we sponsored these studies at a prestigious medical institute in Asia that is not affiliated with FreeLife. None of the participants of these studies had ever tried Himalayan Goji Juice or GoChi, and they were not even familiar with FreeLife.

Will FreeLife be doing additional GoChi studies?
We’re committed to research, product development and process improvement. These three studies are just the beginning. We’re going to be around for a long, long time and we will never relinquish our leadership position as the number one goji company in the world.

How did you get the polysaccharides out of the placebo for the studies?
The placebo was a professionally flavored and colored drink that matched the look, aroma, and taste of GoChi, but contained no goji juice or LBP.

Why a preservative-free product?
Even though the natural-source preservatives in Himalayan Goji Juice have an outstanding safety and efficacy profile, there are some countries in which preservative use is either severely restricted or is prohibited altogether. The world is waiting for GoChi, and we are not going to let some preservatives stand in the way.

Since there is grape juice in GoChi, can dogs drink it?
There have been reports in the veterinary literature of adverse events in dogs following ingestion of grapes and raisins. A small amount of red and white grape juice is added to enhance the flavor of GoChi, and we have estimated that a 10-pound dog would have to drink nearly a full bottle of GoChi (30 oz.) per day to reach the minimum reported safety threshold for grape exposure. However, it would be best to consult with a veterinarian prior to allowing your pet to try GoChi, as animals may react differently depending on their size and nutritional needs.

Can the results of the tests that were conducted on GoChi be applied to other goji juices on the market?
The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trials were conducted on GoChi. As such, those results apply to GoChi only and not to any other goji juices, dried berries, or any other product on the market today. To our knowledge, no other goji product can even begin to approach the high potency of full-spectrum LBP found in GoChi, and that is why our studies have shown such spectacular results in such a short time.

Do we still have the Spectral Signature®?
Yes. The Spectral Signature is the proprietary electromagnetic fingerprint that identifies our berries and our finished product. As no two substances can share the same fingerprint, GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice each have their own unique Spectral Signature graph. The Spectral Signature that is featured on our labels and in our literature is an artistic representation. The actual fingerprints are kept under lock and key.

Are GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice classified as “raw” foods?
Within the raw food community, there appears to be much debate as to the definitions of “raw” and “cooked.” However, every step of our proprietary Spectral Signature LBP Process™ is focused on one thing – maintaining the potency and balance of goji’s key nutrients, the polysaccharides. Pre- and post-sterilization testing has shown that our aseptic process never damages the delicate bioactive LBP in our juices.

Are GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice classified as “live” foods?
Our juices are founded on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which places a special emphasis on the vital life force, or chi. The chi in our juices is found in its bioactive LBP complex, which can only be found in the goji berry. Every step of our manufacturing process is designed to preserve and protect these vital polysaccharides, and the results of our studies, combined with the great results that are experienced by our Customers around the world, are showing that we have designed our product very well indeed. And so, we very much consider our juices to be “live foods,” and we have many friends in the raw/live food community that agree with us.
Click here to view the GoChi ingredient list.
GoChi Ingredients